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York 2 and Beaufort Ink

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
As you may know, I can't personally make the York 2 event, but Neil has asked that Beaufort Ink is represented and Dan has kindly agreed to handle all things Beaufort on the day.

Two big parcels are going off to him tomorrow, which comprise refills, Bock nibs and retail stands, all at special event prices for the day, which are all less than the website prices.

Obviously it isn't possible to give Dan a whole stockroom full of goodies, so if there is anything apart from those items that you specifically want, please PM me and I will make sure it is there, through Dan, for you to collect. Everything pre-ordered for collection will also get a special event discount as a gesture of goodwill, so pen stands, glues, spare tubes, blanks, whatever it is, just let me know in good time and I'll make sure it gets there.

Any orders that are made and paid for on the day that cannot be fulfilled if the stock has run out, I will undertake to post to you carriage paid after the event, so you'll get the event price and you won't have to pay a penny for postage.

There are also few separate lots of yunstone and wood blanks that are going in the auction, which unfortunately I may not get time to photograph before hand, but they will be there none the less.

I hope you all have a great day.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Shame you can't make it Phil, but a big thanks for the discounted goods my friend .. :thumbs:

Will the #6 Taps be in the discount BTW .. :kiss:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
As you may know, I can't personally make the York 2 event, but Neil has asked that Beaufort Ink is represented and Dan has kindly agreed to handle all things Beaufort on the day.

Two big parcels are going off to him tomorrow, which comprise refills, Bock nibs and retail stands, all at special event prices for the day, which are all less than the website prices.

Obviously it isn't possible to give Dan a whole stockroom full of goodies, so if there is anything apart from those items that you specifically want, please PM me and I will make sure it is there, through Dan, for you to collect. Everything pre-ordered for collection will also get a special event discount as a gesture of goodwill, so pen stands, glues, spare tubes, blanks, whatever it is, just let me know in good time and I'll make sure it gets there.

Any orders that are made and paid for on the day that cannot be fulfilled if the stock has run out, I will undertake to post to you carriage paid after the event, so you'll get the event price and you won't have to pay a penny for postage.

There are also few separate lots of yunstone and wood blanks that are going in the auction, which unfortunately I may not get time to photograph before hand, but they will be there none the less.

I hope you all have a great day.


Most generous Phil tremendous generousity mate.


Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
The #6 Tap Set .. :pray:
No problem Jim. I'll do them at the old pr-order price which was £59.95 for the set. Do you want any nibs too? The ones going to York are all in kit housings. If you want them in Bock housings I'll enclose them with your taps. There'll be 10% of them if you want any.

Confirm that's OK and let me know about the nibs and I'll make sure it happens.
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