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Question For Smart Phones Owners!


Full Member
Jun 29, 2016
Nr Letchworth
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I must admit I love my Iphone. It just 'works'. No faf. But then again, I use other apple products, and the seamless integration with my ipad or mac makes it a joy to use and worth the extra money, in that i'm not pulling my hair out trying to configure the bloody things! (I dont have enough left to risk pulling any out!). I use a windows machine at work, and the difference is as contrasting as night and day. But at the end of the day, if it doesn't do what you want it to do for you, it is no good, so a cheaper droid or even dare I say, windoze phone might be perfect for your needs.



Apr 11, 2016
First Name
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 and it's a great phone all singing and dancing, now there is an S8 presumably better than My model.
Having said that, there are other makes out there, but I can't comment on those Mark.


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
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I used to only like android devices and particularly htc phones but they stopped doing large screen devices over 5in so I had galaxy s6 edge. I've just changed to an iPhone 7plus and I'm very impress with it. I got an iPad last year and the new iPhone has synced seamlessly with it. I opted to buy my iPhone from an Apple Store on their interest free finance which will work out cheaper overall if you then get a sim only deal from which ever provider you choose. I've been with EE for the last few years and I can't fault them. I recently got a sim only deal with unlimited minutes and texts with 20gb of data for £16.50 a month.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jan 21, 2016
First Name
I must admit I love my Iphone. It just 'works'. No faf. But then again, I use other apple products, and the seamless integration with my ipad or mac makes it a joy to use and worth the extra money, in that i'm not pulling my hair out trying to configure the bloody things! (I dont have enough left to risk pulling any out!). I use a windows machine at work, and the difference is as contrasting as night and day. But at the end of the day, if it doesn't do what you want it to do for you, it is no good, so a cheaper droid or even dare I say, windoze phone might be perfect for your needs.


Agreed. I've used (and hated) windoze for nearly two decades at work but luckily for many of those years they also supplied me with a Mac as well. I've been using Macs for over 27 years since system 6.

DJB Penmaker

Full Member
Mar 13, 2017
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I hate the way Apple wrap you up and tie you in to them and charge exorbitant prices for accessories because they make sure nothing else will work with their products. I love the flexibility that android affords you and tend to go for the latest Google phones, that way you always have the very latest android version first. I know many will disagree with me but it's a case of horses for courses. At the moment I've got the Nexus 6p.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
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I have had HTCs and Samsungs (currently HTC 1M8) and my wife has an i-phone. They all work(ed) just fine and the difference between them is largely marketing and hype.

Both android an ios operating systems work seamlessly with my wi-fi network and link to my Windows 10 PCs and laptops.

I would suggest going for the one that has the most features and apps that you want. (and doesn't catch fire when you try to charge it :funny::funny::funny: )

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
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I have a slightly more cynical view of these things than most.

Does it make and receive phone calls, can you read your emails, can you browse the internet and can you take photos? Yes of course you can. If you want an app for whatever purpose you fancy, you will find one to suit which ever platform you plump for. Everything else is just marketing and hype, designed to strip money from the impressionable and gullible. Each platform will integrate with its compatible counterpart sitting on you lap or your desk, and will integrate to a lesser extent to its opposite counterpart sitting on your lap or your desk.

Set a budget, work out what it is you want from a phone in terms of data, texts and minutes, and as long as it is reasonably modern technology, and not made in La La Land, you'll be fine. In no time at all you will stop worrying if the Hoakycoaky2000 had a better speaker or a 100 more pixels on its camera than the one you got, because you won't care. The only time you'll care is if you regress to being an 18 year old, who simply must have the latest thing on the latest overly inflated contract, and you can't wait to upgrade.

I know people with iphones and I know people with andriods, and they all swear by what they have. Who is right and who is wrong? Neither!! They are just used to their particular platform, and they think everybody else is wrong.

The smart phone market is a complete racket.

There - I've said it


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Would that be

A question for "smart" phone owners or "smart phone" owners

I don't usually wear my suit when I use the phone so gather I must fit in to the nice looking nice looking phone group..:face:

TBH it's down to what you want out of a phone.

I had an android phone and tablet as I didn't like the way I was restricted to what I could put on the phone with IOS and app development was and is restricted by Apple.

The fact that you could stick an SD card in is a fantastic advantage. In my view The Apps are much better and if you want to live stream videos or TVs channels then android is the way to go. Not saying IOS doesn't but there are so many restrictions on apple.

All my family had I phones, that was where the problem was. :rolling: they were always face timing and live messaging it got on me t**s as I couldn't join in.

So I now have an I pad and iPhone, so I can join in..:winking:

What I would say is IOS doesn't have as many apps and allot of the open source apps are developed for Android.

If I had my chance its android all the way and would convert all my family to them as well. Mainly as there are better communication apps and more all singing and all dancing ones that do the job better.

It's all because Apple have managed to do a good job of making people think they could not manage without an iPhone..

Advertising and hype.,


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
I have Windows 10 on both my PC and laptop.

I basically used my other soggy smart phone for,

Phone calls,
Taking photos,
Music, great for going to Alice I can listen to hours of music, and I dont have change CD, etc.

At home;
Internet connected to WiFi
Read emails

Vic will your phone fit in my shirt pocket?:tongue:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I have Windows 10 on both my PC and laptop.

I basically used my other soggy smart phone for,

Phone calls,
Taking photos,
Music, great for going to Alice I can listen to hours of music, and I dont have change CD, etc.

At home;
Internet connected to WiFi
Read emails

Vic will your phone fit in my shirt pocket?:tongue:

I would like to see the swap from this distance Vics phone and your what size pocket Mark?

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