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Blind Veterans


Wood Rat
Executive Member
Jan 5, 2013
First Name
I had a run across to Llandudno yesterday to call and see two old stalwarts of our forum, Woody and Bill Mooney. It’s an amazing place and the work done there to help visually impaired veterans has to be seen. I watched/helped Woody guide a blind chap on the lathe and assist him in making a pen. The look of pleasure on his face when he’d completed the task can not be described. The sad thing is I had a lump in my throat when he gave it to me for inspection and I had to describe to him what the finish was like.
Good on you Woody and Bill, I’ll call again next time.

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
Hi Keith, it’s always a pleasure to meet up with you & have a natter. We sold some of the pens we made along with other bits & pieces which were made & raised £106. We got each veteran to help make a pen, each contributing something to its making so we had a pen made by the veterans & it auctioned for £50 making the total handed over £156.
Woody also handed a cheque over for £3000. Raised from his Pens for Veterans UK site on fb.
Keith also brought a goody bag for us. John (fortress) also sent me five beautiful pens which I donated in his name. Neil Lawton donated his turned poppy & two beautiful pens as well. I brought some pens & Evelyn brought about 200 greetings cards that she makes. Ed Lea donated to me one of his winter scene paintings so I could copy it for Xmas cards, which we did, So it’s a big thank you from us for the generosity shown. It’s been a great week.:thumbs:


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
It was good to see you Keith and many thanks for your most generous donation of kits n blanks Ken the guy you see make a pen is so pleased with being able to complete a pen he has been on the phone to me every day for advice as he is going to take up pen turning now that's a result he has an engineering background and an engineering lathe he has ordered kits blanks and boxes and is going to start making Christmas presents for his family



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