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Another pen making year


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
First Name
I have all the parts i needed or making bullet pens, i will be changing the common way of making them by silver soldering the tubes in the cases. The weather is warming and i can go up to the shed clean up and kick the spiders out for the summer.
Then i had an accident.............working on the computer, slid off the seat and fell! It's an old office type computer chair, tall and pneumatic with the five star base with castors. I fell onto the feet and tore my thigh muscle, it was not bad really at first but went for a walk and it got worse.
Fast forward to mid evening and i am writhing in pain, called 999, ambulance arrived and straight to A&E. Fourteen days later out of hospital and sitting here writing this.
I can stand for a few minutes but not long enough to do much work, now waiting for physio appointment. The pain was excruciating at the time but can hobble about a bit.
What a start to the year.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
First Name
Thanks for the replies, i'm just itching to do something. Hate sitting down most of the day.
I have a motorcycle i have i have half stripped to do was well.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Ken just goes to show how easy it is to lose mobility,trust you recover soon,these days I acheive most seated on chairs and stools with the real help of disability scooters, next yr will be my 90th. Causing distress at home currently with using my golf trike pictured for reasonably short journeys made a lot of new friends using this.I took the golf bag holder off the front. Next month getting a four yr old King Charles Spaniel so looking forward to taking her to nearby ovals and parks.


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Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
First Name
Ken just goes to show how easy it is to lose mobility,trust you recover soon,these days I acheive most seated on chairs and stools with the real help of disability scooters, next yr will be my 90th. Causing distress at home currently with using my golf trike pictured for reasonably short journeys made a lot of new friends using this.I took the golf bag holder off the front. Next month getting a four yr old King Charles Spaniel so looking forward to taking her to nearby ovals and parks.
I have said for a few years now that i don't bounce well. I'm glad to hear you are still going well, keep on going mate.
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