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Axminster closing another store


Graduate Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Not sure how many of you other than @flexi and myself who use Axminster but recently they announced the closure of Basingstoke, well now they are closing my local Nuneaton Store, Warwickshire | Axminster Tools totally gutted, but that's two of eight for a relatively large company it doesn't bode well, and whilst I know there is the internet etc. for tooling and experience I think the woodworking pastime/hobby/obsession is better suited to 'real' stores....
I just think it's a shame the way society is going and whilst the internet has been good I think we are running the risk of potentially losing more skills and hobbies if they aren't as visible/accessible...

...gets off soap box



General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Happens every time we have a recession Padster, slightest downturn and people drop the hobbies and it ends up being only the businesses keeping the likes of those going.
They will service their customers base from online if needed, but the likes of Screwfix are expanding around our area which to me is a godsend when needed some basics.

To be honest I would them sooner close a few stores than go bankrupt altogether and then unable to get products.

Seen it so many times over the years that businesses have gone bust and no longer there to compete when we have an upturn making our lives more expensive on the long run.

As for skills and loosing those, I agree but the world is a different one than it as when I was at school/college. We now have CNC’s that can churn out any piece of furniture, housewares and any part of a house fixtures and fittings quicker and more cost effective than several qualified joiners.
How long does it take to train a CNC operator? Less time than it takes to become a qualified joiner, and they can churn out many times more the volume of work. Yes quality isn’t the same as handmade, but then we are a throw away society, if it’s broke don’t fit it replace it.
Rant ! 🤷‍♂️


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
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Went to my local store today 'Sittingbourne' and it's shrunk again, pre covid it had a dedicated teaching area and a turning room with 6 lathes, plus a massive store oh and a clearance room... They have sold off the extra rooms and tooling, the clearance 'table' is just inside the door and today they have moved the end stud walls in again.... BUT and I am grateful, it's still open!!


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Went to my local store today 'Sittingbourne' and it's shrunk again, pre covid it had a dedicated teaching area and a turning room with 6 lathes, plus a massive store oh and a clearance room... They have sold off the extra rooms and tooling, the clearance 'table' is just inside the door and today they have moved the end stud walls in again.... BUT and I am grateful, it's still open!!
Are they trying to change business model to a little like screwfix ? With just a check out till at the front of the warehouse. That way insurance will be lower and petty theft is much less as well. 🤷‍♂️


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
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Some of the problem is that petrol prices make it uneconomical to travel to stores and postage can be a lot cheaper than driving to a local store. Unless you have a large order and/or need something immediate.
Maybe a day out but the wife may object to a day out in a tool store:funny::funny::funny:

So People are just ordering online


Jan 21, 2016
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My nearest store was Basingstoke but not near enough for regular visits. I hope closing a couple of stores is enough to keep them profitable as they supply a lot of stuff not easily available in other places.
Somewhat controversial I suspect but I believe Axminster make some of the best woodturning Chucks and Jaws you can buy and I’d hate to see them disappear from the market. Sadly they are much more expensive than other brands and fewer folks can afford to buy them.
I’v used a variety of different sharpening setups including the Sorby Pro Edge but I ended up buying the Axminster Ultimate Edge as I believe it’s a superior product but again it’s quite expensive.
They do come out with some silly stuff though like this:
I bought a pigtail for my lathe for about £6 and mops twist on and off easily and quickly.
I hope they can weather this recession.