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Making A Compressor?


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Due to the lack of room in the incredible shrinking shed, I have been thinking about making an upright Compressor like this.

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They are very popular with the Yanks, but rarer than hen teeth in my area.

I have an old 45kg (99.2lbs) gas bottle that I was thinking about using for a tank, and old belt drive compressor that a capacitor is buggered, The missus has been nagging me for years to get rid of it but it might come in handy one day.
Also have bits of a new just out of warranty direct drive compressor that I salvaged the regulators etc from.

The plan is to fill it with water a couple of times before I drill in to it, I have already jammed the filling valve open to air it out.
I will need a drain on the bottom, a pressure relief valve, a inlet and out let.
Where I put the inlet/outlet etc, will I need to weld a nut there or will just tapping it be good enough?
If I need to weld would silver soldering be strong enough?

What else do I need to take into considerations?

Ted successfully drill and cut a cylinder and survived so I hope to do the same.:face:


Apr 11, 2016
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It scares me to think that you would mess around with compressed air unless you know exactly what your doing.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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Have a look at nowadays firms Mark compressors they abound shaped like the one you want to build. As has been said its a science far from a guessing game. By the way compressors can be housed outside your shed maybe.



Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
Years ago I made a compressor from a 15kg calor gas bottle, before welding on the fittings the neck of the bottle was unscrewed, stood upside down & blown out with compressed air.
I had a small oil less compressor unit off a paint machine which I hooked up to the bottle via a pressure switch, it worked really well for years until the compressor unit failed. A mate had the bottle off me & still uses it as a remote reservoir.


Executive Member
Mar 12, 2014
East Sussex
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Due to the lack of room in the incredible shrinking shed, I have been thinking about making an upright Compressor like this.

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They are very popular with the Yanks, but rarer than hen teeth in my area.

I have an old 45kg (99.2lbs) gas bottle that I was thinking about using for a tank, and old belt drive compressor that a capacitor is buggered, The missus has been nagging me for years to get rid of it but it might come in handy one day.
Also have bits of a new just out of warranty direct drive compressor that I salvaged the regulators etc from.

The plan is to fill it with water a couple of times before I drill in to it, I have already jammed the filling valve open to air it out.
I will need a drain on the bottom, a pressure relief valve, a inlet and out let.
Where I put the inlet/outlet etc, will I need to weld a nut there or will just tapping it be good enough?
If I need to weld would silver soldering be strong enough?

What else do I need to take into considerations?

Ted successfully drill and cut a cylinder and survived so I hope to do the same.:face:

Would cost a few pennies to make it into a furnace Mark..:ciggrin: :rolling:
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