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Best place to buy pen kits


Full Member
Nov 2, 2017
Balingry Fife
First Name
I don't really make a lot of pens & the ones I have made have all been the standard sort of ballpoint or rollerball like slimlines & classics.

My Daughter in law asked me if I could make a pen set as a wedding gift which I am happy to do but I am not really sure what options there are for kits in the UK since most of the kits I have looked at have been on American websites.

Was told that her friend really likes Gothic stuff & the style of pen Helen sent me was called a gothica, it was a link to an American site which I had a look at but could only see a rollerball version of that style. sure there will be other types of kit along the same lines as this available somewhere if you know where to look.

So she would like a rollerball & fountain pen set, she would like the two pens to either match or compliment each other, time isnt really a factor as the wedding isn't until next summer lol I just felt I might be better buying from a uk supplier if there is one.

I will probably make a wooden presentation box for them just to finish the job off.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Since you list as United Kingdom you might have to be more specific to get help near where you live supplies. There is no such thing IMHO as the best place since most dealers specialise. You will receive biased advice on most everything pen making. Narrow down your preferences and location.Good luck.



Apr 8, 2018
First Name
Alan and Peter sum up the answer to this question Axminster sell pen kits which are of a reaonable standard including fountain pen kits and accessories.They include a steampunk pen which of a good quality. Also as Peter says; there are as many answers to this question as there are pen makers. Good luck.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2017
Balingry Fife
First Name
Thanks for the replies but I am not really sure how to be more specific than I have been, yes dealers specialise so I guess what I am looking for is one that specialises in the gothic style of kit I mentioned rather than a supplier who specialises in quality but doesnt sell the type of kit I am looking for, Phil would be a good example of that, he has some very nice pen kits but nothing along the lines of the Gothica style.
Pensdirect look to have a couple of twist pens, the Celtic & the ProzX Finial might be be a posibility. The other 2 don't appear to have the style I am looking for, actually Beufort was the first place I looked because of the forum.
Most of what I could see when I googled gothic pen kits were in the US & I would have prefered to buy from a UK supplier as I have already said. It might just be that I am not using the right search terms in Google but since I don't know what is available or what each kit is called I have little else to go on.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
The Gothica is a PSI kit. Speak to Dave Green at Turners Retreat. They are usually happy to add what kits you'd like from PSI to their regular orders.


Feb 27, 2014
First Name
Thanks for the replies but I am not really sure how to be more specific than I have been, yes dealers specialise so I guess what I am looking for is one that specialises in the gothic style of kit I mentioned rather than a supplier who specialises in quality but doesnt sell the type of kit I am looking for, Phil would be a good example of that, he has some very nice pen kits but nothing along the lines of the Gothica style.
Pensdirect look to have a couple of twist pens, the Celtic & the ProzX Finial might be be a posibility. The other 2 don't appear to have the style I am looking for, actually Beufort was the first place I looked because of the forum.
Most of what I could see when I googled gothic pen kits were in the US & I would have prefered to buy from a UK supplier as I have already said. It might just be that I am not using the right search terms in Google but since I don't know what is available or what each kit is called I have little else to go on.

Dan at Taylors Mirfield should be able to get you any PSI kit with his next order


Full Member
Nov 2, 2017
Balingry Fife
First Name
Thanks for the replies, knowing that a UK supplier can add any kits I may require to their own order is good to know especially when I am in no hurry for these what so ever, wedding isn't until next summer so I have a bit of time lol
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