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multi-tool pen kit?


Full Member
Oct 16, 2013
Brighton, UK
Some years ago I made a batch of "pens" from kits I got from, I think, Craft Supplies. Basically a tube with a clutch which could hold a series of small tools - a couple of small screwdriver bits, an awl or a 10A scalpel blade. There was also pair of tweezers from a Swiss Army knife. Someone saw an odd one I still had and asked me if I can make some more. I can't find the kits anywhere. Does anyone know of a source of these or similar kits - ideally in the UK? I guess H&S may have driven the scalpel part off the market.


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
First Name
Try Dave at Penkitz and bits I know he supplied them to Woody along with some fruit knife kits:thumbs::thumbs:
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