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Hand painted pens


Graduate Member
Jul 9, 2019
First Name
Hi all
Does anybody have any experience or advice of hand painting pens?

Just to be clear I’m talking about painting a design on the outside of a finished (kit-less) pen and then adding some sort of clear protective coating.

I’ve not tried this at all yet and will obviously learn from my own inevitable mistakes but just wondered if anybody had any guidance they could offer.

Id like to use wood eventually but for my initial trials I’ll use resin until I get the basics right.

This may be a lot more straightforward than I am imagining but it’s the finishing part I’m not sure about. I couldn’t find a huge amount of information on this by here’s what I’ve gleaned:

Turn the pen out of a plain resin.
Paint a base coat of acrylic paint (Don’t know if I’ll really need to do this).
Paint design using acrylic paint - (no doubt there are alternative options to acrylics)
Apply (acrylic?) lacquer, probably sprayed
Buff down to finish
Stare at it for days on end, revelling in its beauty. After all who knew a stick man could look so good on a pen?

As always I am grateful for any advice.

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