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First one I'm showing off...


Apprentice Member
Aug 14, 2015
Sussex, UK
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First one I'm posting, but not the first one I've ever made.

Home cast red and green epoxy (although that's not obvious from this pic) with cinnamon sticks. Never to early to get ready for present giving season eh?

Apologies for the poor photography and crappy background. Pic was snapped on my phone in the shed, in a hurry before the missus snagged it.


  • Cinnamon Pen.jpg
    Cinnamon Pen.jpg
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Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
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Hi Spencer, a very nice pen there.:thumbs:
You asked how to edit your post. If you look at the right hand bottom corner of your post you will see reply, reply with quote. When you make a post & want to edit it go to the R H bottom corner & you will also see edit post, click on this & edit your post then click update post. The edit post only stays there for a short while, maybe 15 minutes before disappearing. Hope this helps.
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