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Cover photo - Bill Mooney - Poppy Pens

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
You won't have failed to notice that lately, I've not had a great deal of time to administer Pen of the Week, so going forward, at least for the present, I'm going to select a pen for the Forum's cover photo from those recently posted.

I've uploaded a new cover photo, by [MENTION=603]Bill Mooney[/MENTION] which you can see HERE.

Congratulations to Bill - you can also take a look at his original thread HERE.

Also a massive thank you to [MENTION=1547]Morse[/MENTION], who behind the scenes has been diligently doing a lot of the groundwork for Pen of the Week for the last three years or so. Thanks Dave - without your help, POTW wouldn't have happened at all


alan morrison

Feb 26, 2019
Co. Down N Ireland
First Name
Congratulations to Bill the Guru for his Pen of the week. Hopefully they will stay on the front page until after Rememberance Sunday.
Well done Dave for all his work behind the scenes,
and [MENTION=735]Phil Dart[/MENTION] for having the nous to pick these pens.
Bill, I don't think that anyone would want a different pen in their place, well done.

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
Wow! That was totally unexpected.
Thank you very much Phil, it’s a great boost to my confidence.
A big thank you to Dave for his help in keeping the forum running & a big thank you for your kind comments.:thumbs:
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