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Wood Turning Club


May 12, 2021
First Name
The nearest woodturning club to me opened its doors last night with a demo from Chris Parker (The Bald Woodturner). Sheffield Woodturners Home

I was so much out of my depth, the bloke turns a bowl faster than I can get my job onto the lathe.

He started off by turning a bowl and he then finished it with a marble, it looked nice,
he then finished off by demonstrating different texturing techniques, whilst I didn't have much of an idea what he was yapping on about it was an enjoyable night.
Sadly it was a case of information overload for me.

The guys who were there seemed like nice blokes and as a result I have decided I will be joining the club and pay the membership fees.
One thing I did notice was that over half the people there had beards the same as mine, I have never seen that many beardies in one place at the same time before :tongue::funny:

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
I’m pleased you’ve joined a club. Yes you can go into information overload when watching demos but talk to other members & make friends. Let them know you’re a new starter & you have problems, they will help you out if they can. That’s the real benefit of a club, members interacting with each other. They should help you at your level & not expect you to be an expert.
Remember that they aren’t mind readers, if you don’t ask for advice they won’t know you need any.
Enjoy your club Gary.:thumbs:


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
Gary don't worry about information overload just don't be afraid to ask if you don't know they will not laugh at you but will give information readily.

Remember that Chris has been turning for a while and can turn and decorate a bowl in double quick time, I know some of the club members are amazed at how quick I can turn something but when you demonstrate you try to get at least two or three small items turned and finished in an all day demo as you do not want the members to fall asleep with boredom.

The more you turn and watch demos the more you will understand the terminology. As well as quicken up when you turn a bowl it will not happen overnight just stick in there.
[MENTION=626]flexi[/MENTION] I would never know how thin you are on top as you always are wearing a silly hat:whistling::whistling::whistling:


Graduate Member
Nov 3, 2019
RM of Aberdeen, Saskatchewan, Canada
First Name
There is no place that I can find on the RZ website that shows a recognized industrial safety compliance rating or standard that they comply with. Without one you don't know if they are really safe to use. I don't trust anything a maker says about what a mask will do without certification by a proper governing body so they will not be part of my shop until they are. Might as well do like the movies do where the hero wets a scarf and ties it on their face and runs into a burning building to save a kitten. Looks good on the screen but do it yourself and your dead. In the case of masks it just a lot slower.



Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
There is no place that I can find on the RZ website that shows a recognized industrial safety compliance rating or standard that they comply with. Without one you don't know if they are really safe to use. I don't trust anything a maker says about what a mask will do without certification by a proper governing body so they will not be part of my shop until they are. Might as well do like the movies do where the hero wets a scarf and ties it on their face and runs into a burning building to save a kitten. Looks good on the screen but do it yourself and your dead. In the case of masks it just a lot slower.


Thanks Pete, you just save me $60.00:banana:
I searched google but couldn't find anything from people using them part from the manufacturer and dealers selling them.

When I first come to Tennant I tried to join the auxiliary fire brigade, I was knocked back unless I had a haircut and shaved.
Now my nephew in South Aust is in the country fire service, his beard is bigger than mine :rant: but I have more hair than him.:tongue:


May 12, 2021
First Name
Did you feel out of place, a young whippersnapper like you in a crowed of grey beaded old codgers?

What do you mean " he then finished it with a marble." ?

It was meant to read "marble effect" but seemed to of missed a word, can anyone guess what word was missed :funny:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Thev best decision for me was and still is I am a life member of my Wood Guild the value of membership is incalculable , hope you have great experiences. I really feel for migrants who have to also learn here in Australia the technical languages associated with their daily work and hobbies etc,also to break the hold their children assume over them as children learn faster than adults.


May 20, 2013
Lancaster, UK
First Name
An air fed helmet / faceshield should work fine with a beard. Axminster do a couple I believe. The Trend used to be popular but is quite heavy, I believe the Axminster one with a bump cap is lighter but I have never tried it as I have a Trend. The best of all is probably the 3M version where the filters are on ones belt but it costs an arm and a leg and is probably out of reach for most of us.
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