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if a man…


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I must say I believe we all talk to ourselves from time to time,I am going through all sorts of crisis having surrended my drivers licence recently cause my right knee is worn out giving weakness operating the brake,i tried the left foot on the Mercedes but memory muscle created too many hassles. Now to sell the ML329 1999 causing distress for me. Wilma does not drive.Our daughter has a new Haval Hybrid that incredible mileage helps.,I have been using a disability scooter for years now shopping etc always in the boot,bummer.With Wilma we now total 110 humans. spread out in Aus and the United States.
So yes I have lots to talk about to myself as well.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2022
West Sussex
First Name
I only talk to myself when I know I’m right. I get a pat in the back. If I’m wrong, I deny all knowledge and stop talking to myself. Always works as I end up with a fresh brew of coffee to take my mind off things. I’m a winner!!!!
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