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Joint venture


Mar 29, 2018
First Name
My Son has been experimenting with casting blanks. I have been turning them into pens for his etsy shop and his other halfs craft shows.
We now have a lot of blanks some from his early days that are less than perfect but can still be used for single tube pens. We now have a lot of single size blanks that are as good as any I have bought and turned into pens. We have a glut of these blanks and I wondered if any body would be interested in purchasing some of them at cost. It will take me months to turn them all into pens.
They are all epoxy they turn easily and they polish up to a really good shine. Some of them may be good for kitless but I can not gauarantee that.
They will be cheap.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
If you post them in the Buy & Sell section Dave, with photos and prices, and a similar explanation to the one you've given above, I'm sure that folks will be interested
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