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New member

Derek Keiller

Apprentice Member
Apr 26, 2023
Kingoodie Dundee
First Name
I have been woodturning for 8 years but last December I decided to try making pens. My first effort was not the prettiest pen as it was too bulbous. However I am now on my 98th pen and think I have perfected it (almost). Over these months I have gleaned information from a great many sources and worked out a method of finishing the pens to my satisfaction (and also many customers) as I have sold 55 pens from £25 for a slimline up to £95.00 for my top of the range fountains pens. All my pen kits, apart from the slimline ones, I purchase from Phil Dart at Beaufort Ink. Quality pen kits complimented by superb service and quick delivery and Phil is always ready to offer great advice. Many thanks Phil. I look forward to being part of the Penturners Forum for many years to come.


Graduate Member
Jan 5, 2023
First Name
Welcome Derek! I too started last December and amongst many failures (aka learning opportunities 🥴) am probably close to your kind of number turned too. Wish I could be more disciplined however about asking for money…I tend to give most of mine away which explains my continuing poverty 🤪

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Hello Derek - welcome to the forum.

Derek already knows this, but for all those that saw the pen I used as example photos in my recent thread about posting images on the forum, https://www.penturners.co.uk/index.php?threads/adding-images-to-a-post.27229/ the pen is Derek's work, not mine. So you've already posted your first pen Derek, even before you joined the forum, and very beautiful it is too.

Derek Keiller

Apprentice Member
Apr 26, 2023
Kingoodie Dundee
First Name
Welcome Derek! I too started last December and amongst many failures (aka learning opportunities 🥴) am probably close to your kind of number turned too. Wish I could be more disciplined however about asking for money…I tend to give most of mine away which explains my continuing poverty 🤪
Welcome Derek! I too started last December and amongst many failures (aka learning opportunities 🥴) am probably close to your kind of number turned too. Wish I could be more disciplined however about asking for money…I tend to give most of mine away which explains my continuing poverty 🤪
Welcome Derek! I too started last December and amongst many failures (aka learning opportunities 🥴) am probably close to your kind of number turned too. Wish I could be more disciplined however about asking for money…I tend to give most of mine away which explains my continuing poverty 🤪
Hi Alex Do not be scared to ask a realistic price for your work. When turning pens you have a significant outlay in kits, bushes, drills, wood (95% of my pens are made with exotic woods such as Snakewood, Thuya Burr, Curly Maple, African Blackwood and many more), plus you have heating and lighting, the cost of your lathe, gouges and much more besides. And not forgetting your time! My best selling pens are the top quality fountain and rollerball models from Beaufort Ink, such as Mistral, Leveche and Cyclone which I retail for between £65 and £95. If your prices are too cheap customers do not appreciate the work that has to go into every pen.

Derek Keiller

Apprentice Member
Apr 26, 2023
Kingoodie Dundee
First Name

Hi Alex Do not be scared to ask a realistic price for your work. When turning pens you have a significant outlay in kits, bushes, drills, wood (95% of my pens are made with exotic woods such as Snakewood, Thuya Burr, Curly Maple, African Blackwood and many more), plus you have heating and lighting, the cost of your lathe, gouges and much more besides. And not forgetting your time! My best selling pens are the top quality fountain and rollerball models from Beaufort Ink, such as Mistral, Leveche and Cyclone which I retail for between £65 and £95. If your prices are too cheap customers do not appreciate the work that has to go into every pen.
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