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  1. flexi

    Group hug!!

    Hi all, My latest project...... I was fortunate to gather a couple of pieces of rust (legally) from the Maunsel sea forts off the coast of Whitstable in kent These have a massive history, from Forts, to Pirate radio, to micro nations...so I sensed an opertunity. Brad Herrington was sent the...
  2. Pierre

    I got very bored by the end!!

    Both literally and figuratively, I got very bored making the same thing over and over again. 51 short sections and 51 long sections plus 7 sets that broke on the tubes for a variety of reasons, now I know why I hate production work. The contract was for 50 Tempests in Chrome with mixed woods...
  3. alpha1

    Beufort nib sections

    I'm trying to get my head round nib sections and the use of. I have looked on Beuforts site at the nib sections are these just upgrades for the Beaufort range of pens. I want to fit a better nib section into a pen that is not one of beuforts range. I bougt one which I assumed would fit a...
  4. stiofanpadraigcrafts

    Had to make another pine cone shakespeare.

    A mini pine cones blank on a Shakespeare fountain pen.I love the way it got some clear cross sections of the pine cones.
  5. Pierre


    A friend of mine lost an almond tree in one of the recent storms, he called me up and asked if I wanted the wood; by the time he had removed his arm from my teeth I was there with the tractor and after many grunts and heaves I ended up with 6 large sections of trunk each one weighing about 30...
  6. B

    Kitless Questions

    Firstly let me apologise in advance if this has been asked a thousand times before, but I've reached the point where I think I need to take the plunge and try kitless. Ive been successfully selling my pens to collectors for the past few months and Im starting to get asked for fully bespoke pens...
  7. hawkeyefxr

    Rowan Tree

    A neighbour has just cut down a dead rowan tree, he is cutting me off some parts that are about 10in long and about 8in Dia. There is also a root ball as well. What would be the best way to get suitable sections for turning.
  8. Pierre

    Free cherry

    In Derek's thread 'knocking on heavens door', showed the generosity of a friend, I mentioned that simultaneously I had been offered some cherry, I was a bit sceptical about the dimensions since I had never heard of a 20 meter cherry tree... Well I went to collect the main trunk sections.... I...