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A big day today - 1500 members

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Today has seen our 1500th member join the Forum.

Thank you to everyone for your contributions, they are all valued - let's keep building on the fantastic legacy that Jim built up and continue to keep this forum the number one resource for pen makers in the UK.


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
What is the criteria for being an active member? Is it posting weekly, monthly or some other period?



Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I was prompted to return to a post recently and found for some reason it was removed I guess it was because I replied in that post quickly to a mate in America I have come to respect highly as a challenge I knew he would meet.

Congratulations on the numbers. I use the post count to see if the new post I made went through, it is innacurate so often it does not record, no biggie but if it happens continually to me it must happen to others.

Yesterday I spoke to my internet provider about the drop outs that have occurred on the Penturners UK site only having aquired a new all bells and whistles modem it is a mystery to them and me, also Phil.

Today watching Woodies Video looking at the quality of work on this forum gives me quite a lift. Soon I hope the health probs will be eased from me to contribute more pens, yesterday I bought a number of very old ink desk sets at a garage sale I hope to use as part of photographing pens.

Thankyou owners and carers of this forum.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
What is the criteria for being an active member? Is it posting weekly, monthly or some other period?


A member is considered 'active' if they have visited the board within the number of days specified, which is set to 30 days .. :thumbs:

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Would be interesting to know how many active members there are though. :thinks:

Thats great news But also agree with Bob, I bet it's nearer 10% of that 1500

A member is considered 'active' if they have visited the board within the number of days specified, which is set to 30 days .. :thumbs:
People visit the Forum for all sorts of reasons. Having run forums for many years, Jim knows and accepts that, and so should we all.

There are many of us who enjoy the friendship, the banter and the knowledge sharing. There are others who like to show off their work to a wider audience - (and why not?) There are plenty who visit the forum regularly and gain from it what they want to gain, but don't necessarily feel empowered or motivated to contribute - and again, why not? And of course there will be many who have dropped be the wayside along the journey.

I know better than most, because a great many members here, who don't necessarily post that often, if at all, are my customers. We all gain from the forum what we want to gain, and it's there for all of us, no matter what we want from it.

It may surprise you that in the last 30 days, upwards of 250 members have logged in and visited, not including those who have visited without logging in, not including guests who are not registered, and not including search engine spiders. We should all be very pleased with that I think. Penturners.co.uk is a wonderful knowledge base, resource and centre of friendship, thanks to Jim's foresight a few years ago and thanks to its members. Other online resources exist these days of course, the main newcomer to the social media scene being Facebook, but groups there boast a membership of maybe 300, with an active posting membership of perhaps 20 to 30 at most. They are unable to archive in the same way as this Forum, they are unable to enter into discussion in the same way, unable to draw in such a depth of skill and knowledge, and are very much a resource for today, not particularly a source of knowledge or inspiration for tomorrow.

I don't believe we should be upset that 250 out of 1500 have visited in the last month - quite the opposite, we should be celebrating. Next month it will be perhaps a few more, perhaps a few less, and not necessarily the same people. But visit we do, and as a consequence our craft continues to grow, and we, the individuals involved, continue to grow with it.

Here's to us all.:bravo:


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
Your response seems to be a little defensive Phil though I might be reading it wrong and I see no reason to be defensive, the forum is what it is and long may it continue.

Having posed the original question, I should point out that it wasn't meant to be negative in any way just a feeling that, like most statistics it's pretty meaningless in isolation. Jims' clarification is much more informative.

I joined almost exactly 3 years ago and learned / am still learning a great deal from this exceptional community resource that Jim set up. Hopefully I have contributed a little over that time as well to help and encourage others. I have made friends with several members and been lucky enough to meet up at the odd event which has always been very enjoyable.

I'm still an active member as I log in most days though my contributions now are much less frequent as I see little point in posting unless I have something constructive to say and that seems to be less than it used to be.
Doesn't help that I haven't turned a pen for months, where the hell does the time go when you retire? :whistling:

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Your response seems to be a little defensive Phil though I might be reading it wrong and I see no reason to be defensive, the forum is what it is and long may it continue.
Far from defensive Bob - very definitely celebratory. I'm delighted to be a member of this forum and I was honoured when Jim offered me to take it over. It shows every sign of going from strength to strength, and as you say, long may it continue to do so. :thumbs:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
May the dementures of penturning continue, so many pens to create and make IMHO. Love the challenges all the best members.

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