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Bushing rip off??


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Been there, done that Mark.

On a day we were due to fly home it was 42c in Sydney, I wanted to sit around in the park but my missus couldn't stand the heat so she made me leave 2 hours early so she could sit around in the air conditioned airport. I hate bloody airports.

She was much happier when we landed in Newcastle where it was raining and only 8c, Having spent 5 weeks getting acclimatized to the Ozzie weather, happy wasn't my mood. :sob:

8°C that is 6°C warmer than my beer fridge.:scratch_head:

Tom Murray

Apprentice Member
Dec 31, 2017
First Name

Ah, little did I expect, when I tentatively posted my query about bushings, that I was letting myself in for more entertainment than a good night on the telly, whatever that is. Being one of the ‘aging population’ who seem to be the root cause of all our countries problems, I too can remember those halcyon days when we rented a shoebox (I think it was Clarks Startrite) at the end of the glen and shared it with six other families as well as the cattle, sheep and goats, It cost us one wee bawbee (Scottish half-penny) per annum and we’d nothing left over to buy fuel for the elicit whisky still. When times got better we also managed to let a matchbox which we would sub-let to English tourists who came north for the ‘Scottish experience’. Back then, there was no point in turning pens as nobody could write, much the same as to-day, with the advent of computers and texting. But enough of this reminiscing, I’ve just been given my first commission for a fountain pen. The customer wants a Classic Elite pen turned from a Zebrano blank and, as I need to do a perfect job on it I will be buying the proper bushings. The question is, do I charge him for the bushings, bearing in mind that I will be keeping them for future jobs? I’m only joking to keep the myth alive that we Scots are mean ………………. Of course I’ll be charging him!


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I remember clearly when I was an elected Alderman in a country city, council meetings went beserk over potholes and kerbs ,much as we have with bushes while the big ticket items zoomed through up to the hundreds of thousands.All the best with your commision Tom,which area in Scotland are you located?



Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
Ah, little did I expect, when I tentatively posted my query about bushings, that I was letting myself in for more entertainment than a good night on the telly, whatever that is. Being one of the ‘aging population’ who seem to be the root cause of all our countries problems, I too can remember those halcyon days when we rented a shoebox (I think it was Clarks Startrite) at the end of the glen and shared it with six other families as well as the cattle, sheep and goats, It cost us one wee bawbee (Scottish half-penny) per annum and we’d nothing left over to buy fuel for the elicit whisky still. When times got better we also managed to let a matchbox which we would sub-let to English tourists who came north for the ‘Scottish experience’. Back then, there was no point in turning pens as nobody could write, much the same as to-day, with the advent of computers and texting. But enough of this reminiscing, I’ve just been given my first commission for a fountain pen. The customer wants a Classic Elite pen turned from a Zebrano blank and, as I need to do a perfect job on it I will be buying the proper bushings. The question is, do I charge him for the bushings, bearing in mind that I will be keeping them for future jobs? I’m only joking to keep the myth alive that we Scots are mean ………………. Of course I’ll be charging him!

Not for the full amount unless it is known to be a one off but if you charge a little of it and then make another ten with the same charge this will cover the cost of them any more after that still charge it so as to allow for buying replacements in the future as they wear.

And yes you will get some entertainment on here just goes to show we are all human well most of us, my wife may not put me in that category.

Glad you have not been put off by the off topic answers now you know what you have let yourself in for coming on here:winking:
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