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Gatsby Click Turquoise


Sep 9, 2015
Northern California
First Name
Morning here Jim I have a number of kits that are clicks from a bulk buy with other kits these I have had a bad name in fact so many jammed sales dropped right out. A bloke in the states came up with a simple cure for the problem to do with an identical spring that fits on the biro refill on my kits he felt the tension was too great on the spring and cut the open end of the spring shorter ie the biro tip spring. so I have been thinking of removing the soft grip from the bottom brass and using these kits. Looking deeply into the Gatsby Penkits Uk directions say put a drop of glue on the click housing to hold it in place do you do this? and if you do on the top or the sides of the click housing? Is it a neat fit? How have you found the click mechanism in all respects for the Gatsby. I note all clicks seem to depend on the top shape in the black part of the biro sell the biro section with the spring end that is double ringed in the bottom relying on the twist action on the refill to set it in or out. Thank you in advance. Kind regards


There is nothing in the instructions on this one about gluing the click mechanism, nor have I seen that in any click pen instructions. I'm not sure what that would accomplish. I haven't had any problems with the mechanism on this one, but I haven't used it that much, either.

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