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Great weekend


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
Just had a great weekend at The Woodfest show at Belmont House here in Kent. Great to see Mark AKA Flexi again had a good chat with him as well as other like minded people. There was some fantastic crafts all related to working with wood present from moving logs from woods using horses to chainsaw carving as well as others.
And not wishing to sound big headed but I had a stall with my wife who had hand knitted items. As we where packing up a Gent came in the stall and was looking at my wares, making a passing comment that he was free to pick up and look at the items I had still got on the table and stands. After 5 minutes of browsing he turn to me and passed the comment that my work was the best he had seen at the show. I must confess that this did make me feel as though all the work I put into my work is appreciated.
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