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Hybrid Pen Blanks


Aug 1, 2013
First Name

They are easy to turn, the minicones ones are consistent but getting a really smooth finish across the point at which the mini cones can be an issue, patience required, the burr ones are easy, you need to go easy at the outset as the material density varies, so its small cuts , then get used to it.

I thoroughly enjoyed turning them, but they should be reserved for that special pen! Too costly otherwise, although the Atrax that I pictured above spent ten minutes on the stall at £50.

I remember you putting the photo of the mini cone one up before and fell in love with it . Reminds me of some of the Japanese Namiki pens .. I think I'll have a go with it.




Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
First Name
Take a guess
The blanks may be a bit expensive but so are bits on a Ferrari compared to a Ford if you get my gist!!!!!!:thumbs:

You gonna start turning pens from car parts Terry? I can wait to see them, I thought that rebar pen was impressive but a Ferrari pen whoooooo, hope it`s red.



Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
You gonna start turning pens from car parts Terry? I can wait to see them, I thought that rebar pen was impressive but a Ferrari pen whoooooo, hope it`s red.


I think he is trying to compare the beauty of a natural burr to a lump of scrap encased in a chunk of plastic.
Or the other way round I think he might like this junk.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Nothing wrong with those pens Richard, they all look very good ... :wink: It's the price of them that is the big problem ... :ciggrin:


Full Member
Jun 26, 2013

You can sometimes (very rarely) be a bit inconsistent in your advice. First you say that there is nothing to casting your own hybrid pen blanks then you say that 'kitchen casters' should be very careful in doing so as the resin is highly toxic. This seems to me to be a very good reason for purchasing the occasional blank from George for that special pen. I understand also that the cost of setting up as a kitchen caster is not inconsiderable. Some of the pens shown above are very distinctive, if not to say dramatic particularly the pine cone pens from Neil. Only ten minutes on the stall eh which leads me to believe that at £55 it may take half an hour :winking:



Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name

You can sometimes (very rarely) be a bit inconsistent in your advice. First you say that there is nothing to casting your own hybrid pen blanks then you say that 'kitchen casters' should be very careful in doing so as the resin is highly toxic. This seems to me to be a very good reason for purchasing the occasional blank from George for that special pen. I understand also that the cost of setting up as a kitchen caster is not inconsiderable. Some of the pens shown above are very distinctive, if not to say dramatic particularly the pine cone pens from Neil. Only ten minutes on the stall eh which leads me to believe that at £55 it may take half an hour :winking:


Ray First: I would love you to quote where I have ever said "that there is nothing to casting your own hybrid pen blanks" Second: "Only ten minutes on the stall eh which leads me to believe that at £55 it may take half an hour" If that happens to you every half hour why the hell are you wasting time posting this rubbish.
I compared Terry's analogy as a bit of fun to the real thing and a rescue job.
I also wasn't talking about setting up as a kitchen castor but coming back into business and setting up a factory again. That's where the profits and turnover came in.
I have no intentions of setting as a kitchen castor its far to dangerous for me to consider.
I wish George all success in his venture as all of you but I would stress to make you aware of the dangers.
You love to go and buy these kits and make something you consider to be beautiful that's great.
I want you to read the safety sheet.
Has anyone done that?
In my day they hid that from sight and we suffer the consequences now, be aware you are endangering your family's health if you don't follow the rules. Simples.


Full Member
Jun 26, 2013
At least he would be doing something useful painting and decorating.
I don't understand the exclusivity part Neil anyone can make them with a little effort and will to want.
He don't hold no patent on them and if he does I would like to challenge it.

"Anyone can make them with a little effort" and presumably make themselves ill in the process. I know some people will always want to explore pen making in all it's facets and you are right to warn of the dangers of using resin without reference to COSH data sheets. It's not for me as I spent nearly 50 years in the construction industry when, in the early days, the use of asbestos in insulation and fire proofing was rife and I've seen the results since but I reiterate my point that if you wish to make a distinctive pen it is better to purchase a blank from George than to set up a costly and dangerous process in your own home. When others start production of these blanks, as they surely will, the price will come down, these are economic facts. I am well aware of your abhorrence of all things plastic. You've made that patently clear over the years that I've known you but the comments on the pens posted above show that you are in a minority. Loosen up old friend and accept that others have different opinions.

Warning! This thread has not had any replies for over a year. You are welcome to post a reply here, but it might be better to start a new thread (and maybe include a link to this one if you need to).