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My Pies


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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Had to settle for smoked oysters today it was 40 degrees C but thats OK. SWMBO does not eat prawns or oysters so I do my best to save her from them.

PS those pies looked delicious Woody Is the recipe a secret or by pm if not Wilmas recipes vary a lot but she makes to die for spring rolls vegetarian or meat, our local son in law consumes them with vigour as we do.

Kind regards Peter.


Jul 12, 2013
at home
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OK Peter this is how I see it a big bag of mince meat few hand's full of whatever veg of different colours and beef stock in a saucepan and cook on ?for ?
make short watsit and flack pastry' s line the tin with short wotsit pastry fill with meat & veg and stick the flaky pastry on top not sure what glue to use Super glue might do it no that flamable try WD40 chuck it in the oven on whatever for a period of time there easy aint it job done
Did you know Im not allowed to do any cooking the last time the electric kettle over boiled on the cooker when I was boiling the spuds I dont be darft


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
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OK Peter this is how I see it a big bag of mince meat few hand's full of whatever veg of different colours and beef stock in a saucepan and cook on ?for ?
make short watsit and flack pastry' s line the tin with short wotsit pastry fill with meat & veg and stick the flaky pastry on top not sure what glue to use Super glue might do it no that flamable try WD40 chuck it in the oven on whatever for a period of time there easy aint it job done
Did you know Im not allowed to do any cooking the last time the electric kettle over boiled on the cooker when I was boiling the spuds I dont be darft



Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
OK Peter this is how I see it a big bag of mince meat few hand's full of whatever veg of different colours and beef stock in a saucepan and cook on ?for ?
make short watsit and flack pastry' s line the tin with short wotsit pastry fill with meat & veg and stick the flaky pastry on top not sure what glue to use Super glue might do it no that flamable try WD40 chuck it in the oven on whatever for a period of time there easy aint it job done

Steady on Woody you'll have Nigella knocking at your door wanting to try what you've been taking :funny::funny::funny:
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