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Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
A good mate has for years had an old stool in his engineering workshop which he uses rather than kneeling down when working on his projects.

Recently he had been doing quite a lot of work on his aging Range Rover to ensure it passed its MOT, unfortunately in his eagerness to get to the MOT station he reversed over his stool damaging it beyond repair, needless to say he has taken rather a lot of flack about it.

So as a jokey Xmas present & as I had some offcuts of Beech in the shop the other afternoon I turned him what can best be described as a milking stool.

Here it is drying after having had a fourth coat of Chestnuts hard wax oil, the splay in the legs is just over 2" in 15" though for some reason it doesn't look that much in the photos.



Sadly I'll not get to see his face when he unwraps it on Xmas morning but I imagine it won't be long after that that I get a text of one description or another :funny:


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
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A great looking Stool Doug should be ideal for what he wants. At first when I saw the title I expected to see something brown and cylindrical and smelly:funny::funny::funny:
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