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Taylors Mirfield @ L D Smith, Mirfield, Chestnut products.......


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
Dan, I wish you well and I admire your enthusiasm. Terry Smart, nice guy, and you can't go wrong with their stuff, it all works to one degree or another, the only problem is that most wood turning clubs have a stock and every professional turner who wants to make a bit extra trails around a few suitcases of the stuff. A tough market to crack, trying to break into an established market. Is there anything planned to set yourself apart from the competition apart from price?

In terms of the tools, which ones do I prefer, Hamlet, Crown or Sorby, easy - Ashley isles, and if you can sway tony to let you stock them you may be on to a winner because I don't know of anyone else who stocks them.

Rhyno Red Line??? Is this the latex backed? I use rhino grip plus line, it's white, latex and Velcro backed and excellent.
Apr 22, 2014
First Name
That's a really valid comment, I will look into that. I am in the process of trying to contact Tony Wilson in order to get hold of a stock of turning blanks but the number I have doesn't work. He used to be able to get some great blanks. Ashley Isles sounds like a great idea. Thanks.


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Never knew it till I opened me drawer to sort another string of scratch.
Yep I am using Rhino Grip from course to fine loads of different ones init?
Says red line but it's all red dunno where the line is don't care as long as it works.
Apr 22, 2014
First Name
Never knew it till I opened me drawer to sort another string of scratch.
Yep I am using Rhino Grip from course to fine loads of different ones init?
Says red line but it's all red dunno where the line is don't care as long as it works.

Hopefully after Monday we should be stocking it :) exciting times ahead


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
That's a really valid comment, I will look into that. I am in the process of trying to contact Tony Wilson in order to get hold of a stock of turning blanks but the number I have doesn't work. He used to be able to get some great blanks. Ashley Isles sounds like a great idea. Thanks.


If your reference was as a result of the comment from me about contacting tony, I was referring to tony isles, son of Ashley who runs Ashley isles edge tools with his brother. Tony Wilson, a man who every turner should take the opportunity to travel to see and hear, as you may know is not only a wheelchair bound turner but a tree surgeon, the source of his blanks. He is uses a wheelchair as his legs cannot support his weight due to breaking his back when he fell out of a tree. However not to be one to be constrained by a disability it was to his surgeons disgust that he had to operate on Tony as he had again ventured up a tree, from the confines of a wheelchair, to fell it. Sadly history repeated itself and he fell out of that one to and has decided to give up climbing trees but still does fell trees after a test to ensure that he could get out of the way in a wheelchair, if necessary.

I offer this piece of advice, if anyone sees tony Wilson and smells petrol, run a mile.

Dan, tony wet turns all his bowl blanks and stores them for months, over to you if there is mileage in selling wet blanks?
Apr 22, 2014
First Name

If your reference was as a result of the comment from me about contacting tony, I was referring to tony isles, son of Ashley who runs Ashley isles edge tools with his brother. Tony Wilson, a man who every turner should take the opportunity to travel to see and hear, as you may know is not only a wheelchair bound turner but a tree surgeon, the source of his blanks. He is uses a wheelchair as his legs cannot support his weight due to breaking his back when he fell out of a tree. However not to be one to be constrained by a disability it was to his surgeons disgust that he had to operate on Tony as he had again ventured up a tree, from the confines of a wheelchair, to fell it. Sadly history repeated itself and he fell out of that one to and has decided to give up climbing trees but still does fell trees after a test to ensure that he could get out of the way in a wheelchair, if necessary.

I offer this piece of advice, if anyone sees tony Wilson and smells petrol, run a mile.

Dan, tony wet turns all his bowl blanks and stores them for months, over to you if there is mileage in selling wet blanks?

Thanks Neil. I intend to make contact with both Tony's. Feel free to put in a go word for me with Tony Isles though :)
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