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To test or not to test


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
I have seen Ed's site and a good professional site it is even if he is still building it I personally think we all have the right to market our wares whichever way we wish if it works for you then it must be right if you do it this way and it works for you then it is right for you I have never tested a fountain pen but I have never sold them in abundance I am as Dave said a woodturner who now and then makes pens but there are obviously pen makers who do woodturning I think if I was a regular F/P user and wanted a good quality pen I would go to a pen maker there are some woodturners who automatically change the nibs that come in these kits because they are of a poor quality for a good quality nib and demand a higher price and get it are they wrong just because some of us dont , ours is a strange hobby with many strange people in it and you know what there is room for all of us opinions an all


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
look what I have just found out an add at the bottom of my last post 20,000 woman that would finish me with a smile on my face :banana::banana::banana:

20000+ Asian Women for Date & Love. Chat Free with New Ladies Now!


Aug 1, 2013
First Name
Yes, let us see it Ed, and to anyone else who has one ... :kiss: Plus if you do have a site you can add it to the links page in the top navbar ... :thumbs:

OK for anyone interested it's PenSella.co.uk. Be warned it's all my own work and there's a lot to do to it yet. It's also one of the reasons that I decided to have a go at turning pens myself, just to add some extra interest to the site. Pages of my own pens ,which I have named 'Touchwood Pens' are only in their infancy yet..but you should be able to see what I am trying to achieve with what I have done so far. Can I also remind you that PenSella is purely a hobby for me and in no way am I treating it as a full blown business. If it works ...which it does ..then it works !.... ..if it don't....then I go back to collecting stamps. Either way it's much better to have your own site than having to rely on ebay which is what I was doing previously. Hear endeth the lesson .:fart:


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Phew :phew: Its good to have a debate every now and then - its a good way to learn and get each and everyones point across.
I love this forum :love_it:

I agree mate healthy debate is good fun and clears the air sometimes.
It looks like the subject is on the turn toward websites now which is another nebulous area of which there are many stories.
Ed I take my hat off to you with your website mate, nothing to be embarraced about with that except for *****HIU(*VRK@PO)):funny::funny:
And brave to show it first init?
I think mine are all down at the moment I haven't maintained a website in a while now of my own. and some I had even forgotten about as they look so crap looking back at them. we all live a nd learn.
I soon learned that a website is not the be all and end all of a business or hobby and certainly not where most of your business comes from unless your amazon or ebay if you get my drift.
My first site is still up and unfinished and I cant edit it as its hosted by someone who has forgotten its there lol.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
3020CNC • Index page
Many more domain names registered in my name and many websites built over many years all a load of crap once again chasing rainbows init?


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Well I put the cat amongst the pigeons with this question, I will try to keep it simple next time:winking:

It was simple Maurice ... Well it was before Brian got his mits on it ... :ciggrin:

Brian i love the title Crafty Crafter ... :winking:

Ed, working on sites is always a challenge, but it can be very satisfying knowing that it is all your own work ... :winking:


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
It was simple Maurice ... Well it was before Brian got his mits on it ... :ciggrin:

Brian i love the title Crafty Crafter ... :winking:

Ed, working on sites is always a challenge, but it can be very satisfying knowing that it is all your own work ... :winking:

Ok I'll take the blame I can't help being a gobby git but I don't mean any harm, I just like to contribute and stir things up a bit.
No good being an old fuddy duddy and agreeing with everything is it?
Got an opinion ? Share it don't keep things bottled up get it out in the open.
You ain't gonna travel 100 miles to gimme a slap are ya and you can't reach me from there can ya.


It's Showtime.....
Jun 22, 2013
Portsmouth, UK
I agree mate healthy debate is good fun and clears the air sometimes.
It looks like the subject is on the turn toward websites now which is another nebulous area of which there are many stories.
Ed I take my hat off to you with your website mate, nothing to be embarraced about with that except for *****HIU(*VRK@PO)):funny::funny:
And brave to show it first init?
I think mine are all down at the moment I haven't maintained a website in a while now of my own. and some I had even forgotten about as they look so crap looking back at them. we all live a nd learn.
I soon learned that a website is not the be all and end all of a business or hobby and certainly not where most of your business comes from unless your amazon or ebay if you get my drift.
My first site is still up and unfinished and I cant edit it as its hosted by someone who has forgotten its there lol.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
3020CNC • Index page
Many more domain names registered in my name and many websites built over many years all a load of crap once again chasing rainbows init?

'One Good Turn Deserves Another' does it for me - Cheers Brian, much appreciated. :banana::banana:
Warning! This thread has not had any replies for over a year. You are welcome to post a reply here, but it might be better to start a new thread (and maybe include a link to this one if you need to).