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2 pens in 1 week


Apprentice Member
Oct 21, 2017
Ludlow, UK
First Name
I have done 2 pens in 1 week - a record for me.

This one is a Sierra I believe - I had a Sierra some years ago and it blew up on the M6 - the design seems to have changed a bit since then.

This may yet blow up too as it is from China and at present it leaves a black trail when I drag it across some paper - the old Sierra used to do that too, on the drive.

It was a sample sent to me, I don't sell these.

I was going to make it in plastic but plastic waste is a hot topic at present (sorry I meant acrylic!) so decided on wood.

It is oak from Shropshire, not as good as Norfolk oak or Gloucester oak due to the difference in soil, yearly precipitation and comes from a bank shadowed by the Long Mynd so it's growth has been seriously affected. That said it is oak coloured and seems just about acceptable, I hope it does not spontaneously combust due to the inferior conditions in which it has developed.

No instructions and I forgot to put the clip on first time but with a little anger a hammer and punch I got it apart and back together again.

The mandrel has now been put away, probably for some time but I am keeping the sense of humour next to me on standby just in case.

Sierra Kit (1).JPG


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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From all that torment the pen looks good from here,never seen any timber spontaneously combust but witnessed so many contradictions whilst making pens. Then it acts as experience so the unexpected can be great results or failure. It costs very little more to turn a pen with a beaut blank than a poor one.I discard heaps and never regret once doing this.

Having said that enjoyed your narrative and the result.



Mar 14, 2016
Rhigos, South Wales
First Name
Hi Jon,
Not forgotten the Mid-shire sense of humour then. The colour of the oak seems pretty good from here, so is the turning mate. Good job.
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