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Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
They came this morning :drool: So I can sat they run a great service. I have no camera batteries just yet so pictures will follow. There are three chunks of wood which can be cut to make probably 5 maybe even 6 full pen blanks. Smaller bits could be paired to make a further 10 or so. Then comes the full length blanks of which there are 40, yes 40. So I would say I can easily get 56 pens from what Aussie burls say are scrap.

In terms of quality; I think they look really good however these are my first burls/burrs so I am not sure how they compare to grade A premium quality. They look comparable to others I have seen for sale just not cut square.

Would I buy from them again? Without doubt

Don't forget you have your competition pen to make:face:

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