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How do people drill there pen blanks


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
If you already have a Nova or Sorby chuck I think they are a good choice. Stronger than the PSI pen blank chuck.

For anyone with an Axminster chuck their engineers jaws will do the job too but a bit expensive if that's all you are going to use them for.

Cheers Walter I have the Nova so I knew they would fit!!


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I use the 4 jawed pins for holding the blanks, only thing with these is that your blank has to be 100% square or it has to be round for the hole to be centered the full length of the blank.


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
I use the 4 jawed pins for holding the blanks, only thing with these is that your blank has to be 100% square or it has to be round for the hole to be centered the full length of the blank.

Yeah, me too. I make my own blanks and square them up on the bandsaw so I *usually* have no problem. Brain-out moments are not that rare, sadly ... :goesred:


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Copied this from another web site.

If you mean .05mm total “slop”, instead of .05mm all the way around, that’s pretty good.
Keep in mind you don’t want a snug fit between the tube and blank, there has to be a small amount of space for the glue to go, and for the brass tube to expand when we press the parts together…if it is a snug fit “dry” then when you press the pen together, the blank will crack.
Take a slimline, the hole we drill is 7.0mm, but the tube is 17/64th (6.77mm) of an inch…same with the Sierra, a 27/64 (10.60mm) hole for a 13/32(10.32mm) dia tube, right at a 32nd (.30mm) of an inch “slop” give or take.


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Copied this from another web site.

If you mean .05mm total “slop”, instead of .05mm all the way around, that’s pretty good.
Keep in mind you don’t want a snug fit between the tube and blank, there has to be a small amount of space for the glue to go, and for the brass tube to expand when we press the parts together…if it is a snug fit “dry” then when you press the pen together, the blank will crack.
Take a slimline, the hole we drill is 7.0mm, but the tube is 17/64th (6.77mm) of an inch…same with the Sierra, a 27/64 (10.60mm) hole for a 13/32(10.32mm) dia tube, right at a 32nd (.30mm) of an inch “slop” give or take.

Nice one, mate. Hadn't thought of the need to allow for expansion when you press the accents in. Makes perfect sense when you think about it.


Old Corky

Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
Pine Island,Texas, USA
Drill a small dimple in the exact center, on each end of the Pen Blank. Drive a screw or nail through a board where the point is out, maybe an eighth of an inch or so. Clamp the board on the drill press table with the point exactly in line with the drill point. hold blank upright with pliers with bottom dimple on the point and drill through the top dimple. Move point before going all the way through. Exactly centered hole. Kinda old fashioned but it works every time. :up:

Old Corky
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