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I wonder


Graduate Member
May 4, 2014
First Name
I wonder if I should be writing this,I'm sure the powers that be will remove it if the answer is no.
I have had a fantastic year making pens and the chance to talk to fellow pen turners who have gone through what I've been through and it's made think of how many wood turners / pen turners started for the same reason as me. Through these conversations in the last 2 months there is at least another 3 as I now know of.
It all began a good many years ago when I suffered from a nervous breakdown followed by a good many years going down the dark hole of depression. To cut the story short I decided I had to get a grip of myself before it took hold of my life. I wouldn't go out I could not meet people. I took up wood turning, pens in the main and gradually had many pens I didn't no what to do with. I could not sell them because I didn't know how and besides I had lost my confidence and this is how this forum came to my rescue. I put a message out could anyone give me advice for selling pens at a craft fair. I received a lot of advice but one member invited me to go with him to a large fair, I didn't know him, I had a panic attack the demand told me to say no but my dear wife pushed me to say yes if I intended to get better. I accept the invitation. That member of this forum never new what was happening to me, I couldn't tell him. At the end of day I sat in my car and cried not with sadness but with joy that I had taken that step. Only after 3 year I contacting him and told him unknown to him he at helped with my recovery although I still have dark days I am winning because of the wood turning I took up. Since I have been honest telling fellow wood turners this story they have told me their stories of how wood turning helped them in difficult times.
I WONDER how many more have a story to tell. Thank you. You never know when your helping someone.


Apr 26, 2016
North Yorkshire
First Name
Thank you for sharing your story Glen, yeh it’s surprising how many of us are going through a similar situation, I’m glad you’ve found solace in your penmaking, keep up the good work mate.

Vic Perrin

Executive Member
Feb 23, 2014
Rugeley Staffs
First Name
A moving story Glen and a great ending for you. I think that's what this forum is special for. I have made some great friends on this site, some I have had the pleasure to meet and others I have had contact with by PM or phone calls. The Forum is a credit to all of us especially Phil Dart who puts in a great amount of his time juggling the nuts and bolts. Long may it last :thumbs:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
We all have a story to tell, a life to live the benefit of a forum is when we share.AS long as I have been a member this has happened.



Wood Rat
Executive Member
Jan 5, 2013
First Name
Well done Glen mate. Depression is more common than people realise. I struggled for years until the wife looked at the tablets I was on and found out that depression was a side effect. A quick trip to the doctors and a change of statins followed. Within six weeks I was back to my old self and four years later no recurrence.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
I'm pretty sure that almost everyone thinks they are strong, and can deal with all of life's ups and downs - until they find they can't. I think you are a brave man to share your story Glen, and in doing so, demonstrate to others that there is a way through the mire. I wish you every success in your continuing journey, and the same to all others who may be at different places on a similar journey. Your open-ness may well prove cathartic for many others who may chance to read your post, either now or in the future.


Apprentice Member
Oct 21, 2017
Ludlow, UK
First Name
Hi Glen,

I have already shared with you the reasons I now do what I do - I have been in similar circumstances due to bereavement - I believe there is a huge strength of character in admitting to such things that years ago would just be seen as a weakness. In my previous job I have seen and dealt with some horriffic things that I would not care to discuss or see again and thank goodness for woodturning - my workshop is my refuge although these days I seem to be in front of a computer more than a lathe! and here I am again....stop it J.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I am to undergo some very serious stuff medically, then an operation on the 8th of next month. Recently I changed my twenty year association with three heart surgeons. Got another called second opinion, the first proceedure took about an hour by a specialist staff member who criticised my thoughts on changing stables. When my wife and I met up with the Surgeon I mentioned this and he commended us for seeking out help. Turns out he is a youngish man, a Professor who lectures at Two major Universities here. He gave us two hours of his precious time, set me on a new path. As you can see by my Avatar I now use a set of wheels for any of our shopping safaris at our local Mall, most helpful as in the pic when I go to our major hospitals, the fancy multi story car parks are isolated from the clinics I attend for five specialists.

Through all this I value our cars and have full independance, a great bunch of friends and a daughter and family who live in the near suburb. There are 75 with Wilma and me scattered all around Australia we keep in constant contact with them all. Our daughter who lives in Utah comes to stay for a month every year in her summer holidays, she is daughter no 3 and will retire in four years from teaching.

Every day is fun yesterday I pruned the flowers from my Carnivorous plants because pollinating them to full growth plants from the seeds would take six yrs. See the pics enclosed. This springs flowers and the plants in Autumn before they were trimmed to the pots for their rest period. Earlier this yr I welded the frame on a steel bridge at the side of a pond went out the front for something and freefell onto the rear vision of the four wheel drive monster rear view mirror. I came back after untangling myself (it went right to the spleen) came back through the kitchen casually said to my wife I think I took out a couple of ribs.Any way I finished the welding but next day called the ambulance cause I was in agony, sure enough two broken ribs. The hospital has a huge tag in my file SUBJECT TO FALLS, I call myself a frequent flyer. Our annual Exhibition and visiting Working With Wood Show is this weekend I will be one of the Show Stewards.

Kind regards all.



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Graduate Member
May 4, 2014
First Name
Thanks for sharing you story. We tend to think we are the only ones with problems with our health, I thought for many hours if I should put this thread on but I 'm glad I did. Perhaps all these comments will help someone with their own individual problems, perhaps we will never know but is that important. Perhaps someone reading these comments may be holding back from telling us of their problems, don't think twice just do it . someone out there might just need your comments.


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
I for one have found woodworking and woodturning to be my therapy. Would not known what to do with myself if it had not been for these hobbies. i am not in the same boat as yourself mine is heart problems, I find that shed time is one of those things that I can do as much or as little as I want. At the moment very little but that is down to painting the bits I am making and the airbrush that I was using for this broke waiting on a replacment as the other brushes are not suitable for the paint I am using.


Feb 1, 2017
First Name
Thanks for sharing a really positive story Glen. Far more people than will admit it suffer (or have suffered) from all sorts of problems, afraid to speak about it, me included some years ago.

I think many on here find time in the "man cave" is very therapeutic :thumbs:
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