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Just arrived from timberbits


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
I am looking to when I can get turning been going through a rough patch at 2.30 am this morning had a crisis situation for me just settling down now so measuring my activities having placed covers on machines for the time being.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs:

Take it easy Peter, you been too long upside down all the blood has gone to your head.
Come to UK and put your feet back on the ground the right way up, and bring those lovely machines with you init?


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Been working on and in the roof need another couple of days on the roof to seal it thoroughly you could drive a horse and cart through the gap in my knee joints trying a new for me technique anchoring a rope over the ridge from a steel staunchian to counteract the pitch of the roof daughter arrives in the morning from the USA for a month would like to get it done before tomorrow the Snowy Mountains an hour and a half away from us has had feet of snow dumped recently and the high hills surrounding have been top covered the strong winds coming from them lower the 6 to ten degree days even further. Yesterday morning early 2 am found me in a crisis from food poisoning it turns out eliminating from all pores

I see light at the end of the tunnel so I am trying to take care of everything the priority not to give up. I recieved some Pau shell stripped blanks some of the very best I so want to get into shaping them and others, my pond that lost heaps of water I condemned the bloody thing refuses to leak now (too late) all over so these things demand attention. The weather is lousy and the Docs advice is to lay off and take it easy strong challenges to a determined man.

All in all I look forward today to succeeding on the roof that should ease the pain somewhat and kind of you to enquire and encourage. The upside of this will be I gain back an excellent extraction fan an opportunity to tick off some more necessaries as well.

Kind regards Peter. Only the depth varies.:thumbs: PS just noticed Marks visit one day he at this time will need a deep water diving suit to move through the workshop but we do have great visits on Skype where we have many show and tell sessions, trust you have safe travel back from Mt Isa this is how far Mark has to travel for service from Tennant Creek in the Nthn Territory to get proper service for his car. As a fun thing Google these two areas of isolation Mark also travels frequently to Alice Springs, ask him how many kms he has done in his car recently from new, quite an eyeopener mate.


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Bloody hell mate it sounds like you ain't alf going through it init?
If you were closer I would offer some help.


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Sorry to hear of your Troubles Peter if it a bit nearer I would pop in to give you a hand. That food poisoning is bloody horrible thing to hope you are feeling better now. I to enjoy our chats on Skype, Had a good trip back from Mt Isa except for the grey nomads and there caravans:down: I will post a map later, time to get ready for the grind stone.
Distance from the mother in law to you is 803 Km we are going to see the MIL next year, hope to be able to meet up.
One day soon I hope to have computer access to my shed then I will be able to show you more.:winking:
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