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New Kit On The Block

Brian Rutter

Apprentice Member
Oct 12, 2020
North Yorkshire
First Name
OK my lathe is working well and complete enough to let me make enough tools to make a pen.

So what I now needed was a kit that;

a) did not cost anything

b) did not require any additional investing in capital items

c) did not require specialist tools that I have not have including taps dies or mandrels.

I could not find a kit that matched so I thought I would make my own.

10 minute rummaging in my really useful box and came up with enough items including a box of stainless steel drinking straws that I bought a couple of years ago from the pound shop, I knew they would come in useful one day. The straws along with some brass bolts, nuts and washers should do.


The theory being use the straws which are very rigid as a "sacrifical mandrel" on which to glue the recycled oak whiskey barrel pieces which were left over from a previous hobby.

The fittings were made out of the brass nuts and bolts which were soldered together and filed to the different configuration.

Bare Bones.jpg

This is very much a prototype and made for me to play with my lathe, I just needed to tell someone.


It's my first pen, cap and clip to follow.


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
First Name
Now that's an interesting idea...... I think a little over engineered..... But we'll thought out and a great result......
Ah just seen your location..... Clever those buggers from up north!! :thumbs::thumbs:

Brian Rutter

Apprentice Member
Oct 12, 2020
North Yorkshire
First Name
Following the concept of trying to make as much of the pen as possible I decided to make the pocket clip and carved it out of a couple of brass bolts.



The pen is now multi functional, and doubles as a nut cracker.

If you have a brazil nut that you cannot open, turn the pen around and and whack the nut with the rather heavy pocket clip.

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