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Shawl pins


Mar 14, 2016
Rhigos, South Wales
First Name
Neil, very nice things, I can remember my grandmother, many years ago, sitting on a rocking chair, in front of the range type cooker/heater, with just that type of shawl pin in her own home made woollen shawl.
That picture took me back years, thank you.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2013
New York
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Very nice!

Shawl pins are used to pin together the ends of a shawl around the wearer's neck. The ring is an optional but important accessory - in theory, the pin alone should be sufficient, but in fact a smooth pin can easily work its way out of the rather coarse weave of a shawl, and the ring helps keep it in place.

The next design enhancement is find other ways to minimize the risk of the pin slipping out of the weave. Obviously, you could augment the straight pin with beads and coves that would grab the weave of the fabric. Several years ago, I saw some shawl pins that had been turned on multiple axes so that they were curved. Beads and curves are easy and fast but multi-axis work is time consuming. Obviously a factor if you are making them to sell.
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