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Beaufort clips, a revew


Full Member
Feb 3, 2016
First Name
Hi all!

I have been searching nice clips for quite a long time.
Once in a pen show in Paris where a lot of fountain pen addicts were awaited, I made a bundle of my nicest kitless models with the clips I had, all made of an embossed sheet of metal. I heard thrice the same comment : "Nice pens indeed, but too bad, the clips look really cheap. Have a good day, Sir!" Poor sales, sadness, bad sleep, only dry bread and tepid water for one week, fiancée in a huff and so on, I let you imagine the valley of sorrow I crossed.
So I looked to high end kits to salvage the clips, but it was expensive and sort of a nonsense for kitless'. As I make a lot of Jr Gent II and don't always use the clips, so I could re-use them in a kitless, it is simple and solid and not "cheap" looking:
But this clip can be a bit too long sometimes, and I was tired of using always the same look and the same ring diameter (around 14mm, a bit wide), I was looking for different and versatile clips, with no luck up to now: no one proposed solid clips wheresoever.

And Beaufort came.

Two kind of clips are available, the cheapest is embossed, but the 2.97 £ (God, that is precise!) is solid. Six different designs declined in gold or chrome, each with one, two or even four different ring diameters. A dream!!!
I have an inclination for this one. With 4 different ring OD's (13.6, 12, 11.2, 10 mm), I can use it for whatever pen I like, with visible or invisible ring. Furthermore, it has a little rounded recess where it is easy to glue an accent. I love it.

With it,one could make a well-dressed pen I suppose:

Of course, there will always be a missing diameter (I mean THE diameter I wanted this day) and design (you know, this lovely Japanese clip so simple I saw somewhere), but nothing is perfect in this old word.

Thanks Phil, for giving us the means to upgrade our pens!


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Clip fever is a driving force for me, which one will look best I agree when Phil came along the choices increased in so many ways. Like your pens, also sharing your observations with customers.


Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
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Thanks for your kind words Pierre. I'm delighted you like the clips. If you are happy, I am happy, and if you tell me about the simple Japanese clip you saw or the other gasket sizes I will look in to it for you.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2016
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About sizes, I usualy like to recess the ring, so the smallest the better, 10 or 9 mm suits me fine, even 8 for the slims. Maybe it is a personal taste?

The clip of my dreams looks like a Namiki
Maybe not as thin near the round part at the bottom (it looks fragile to me), and with a little bit of the vertical part higher than the ring, as all your clips have. A bit like your style S I used for the pen above, but with concave sides, no notch on top, and no spine in the axis. Just plain and simple. And the recess for an accent would definitely be a gorgeous idea. Around 44 mm long.

If you can make it, I'll tell everybody and shout everywhere that you are the best Scottish clip seller I've ever met! :banana:
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