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Blue pearlescent on a brushed pewter Sirocco

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
No truer words were ever written, my friend.

The preview of the Zephyr was really nice. Marketing will be tough, though. It would seem that only people with unusually small hands would be drawn to it, and they will need to be short-winded if I am any judge of the new model's ink capacity. Good luck, though.

Haha. You just add boiling water Greg, and it turns into a Montblanc 149.:wink:

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Hi Phil.
Where are your pen kits produced. I'm not after a name of the company just interested if they are produced here in the UK.


They are designed in the UK and made in a combination of factories in Taiwan and Germany. I have never seen the advantage of making them in the UK, apart from a marketing angle. The kit bushes for all our kits are made in the UK, and we've had kit prototypes made in the UK in the past by more than one factory. However, it's a more expensive process, meaning that really quite basic and simple kits that should retail for less than a tenner would have to sell for maybe twice that, and it makes plating very expensive too. It makes much more economic sense and much, much better value for money for pen makers if we go to Taiwan and Germany for the components.
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