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Right Pig of a Day


May 12, 2021
First Name
Had better days before now.

First off I had a beautiful blank of Black Palmira that decided to break in half (Lengthways) just as the drill bit was exiting, (Split with drill inside if you get my meaning).
Oh well all is not lost as I had a lovely bit of Wenge that I could use.
Cut blank to size and drilled a lopsided hole, it is too far over on one side to risk turning.
Drilled a hole into another bit of Wenge.
Prepared tube and covered with CA.
Went to put tube into sleeve and my hand twitched, tube flew into the air and landed on the only part of the floor that had sawdust, got covered in it and unable to use.
Prepared second tube, just about to put in tube and hand twitched a second time, tube landed in the exact same place as the first one.
Prepared third tube, both hands got covered in CA but at least the tube is now inside the hole I drilled for it.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2021
First Name
Had better days before now.

First off I had a beautiful blank of Black Palmira that decided to break in half (Lengthways) just as the drill bit was exiting, (Split with drill inside if you get my meaning).
Oh well all is not lost as I had a lovely bit of Wenge that I could use.
Cut blank to size and drilled a lopsided hole, it is too far over on one side to risk turning.
Drilled a hole into another bit of Wenge.
Prepared tube and covered with CA.
Went to put tube into sleeve and my hand twitched, tube flew into the air and landed on the only part of the floor that had sawdust, got covered in it and unable to use.
Prepared second tube, just about to put in tube and hand twitched a second time, tube landed in the exact same place as the first one.
Prepared third tube, both hands got covered in CA but at least the tube is now inside the hole I drilled for it.

i was meant to be changing a kitchen sink base unit at work...ended up ripping out the entire kitchen, plus the floor and the sub floor bearers and insulation...oh, and all the wall tiles too :sob:

alan morrison

Feb 26, 2019
Co. Down N Ireland
First Name
Had better days before now.

First off I had a beautiful blank of Black Palmira that decided to break in half (Lengthways) just as the drill bit was exiting, (Split with drill inside if you get my meaning).
Oh well all is not lost as I had a lovely bit of Wenge that I could use.
Cut blank to size and drilled a lopsided hole, it is too far over on one side to risk turning.
Drilled a hole into another bit of Wenge.
Prepared tube and covered with CA.
Went to put tube into sleeve and my hand twitched, tube flew into the air and landed on the only part of the floor that had sawdust, got covered in it and unable to use.
Prepared second tube, just about to put in tube and hand twitched a second time, tube landed in the exact same place as the first one.
Prepared third tube, both hands got covered in CA but at least the tube is now inside the hole I drilled for it.

Gary, put the tubes on your mandrel and very lightly turn the gunk off them.


Jan 21, 2016
First Name
From what I’ve heard about it, they should pay customers to take Black Palmira away! :funny:
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