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trying something new


Graduate Member
Oct 31, 2014
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Hi Ken,
Thank you for the information it was very useful. I loaded the site up on my PC which is connected via the mains in the house with 2 plugs one connected via Lan from my PC to the plug in my room the other end is near the router and is again connected by Lan cable and the results where download 4.36 Mbps upload 0.34 Mbps :goesred: which is not even 1 Meg so I uploaded the Speedtest app to my iPad and sat next to the router and the results were the same. I have had an ongoing conversation with BT since moving to this address in 2012 but it is hopeless as their main get out of jail card for doing anything is to blame openreach which they own and if you ever get the very rare meeting with openreach they of coarse blame BT and in the meantime the customer in this case me gets absolutely no satisfaction. I think BT has gone from one of the best companies in the UK to one of the worst and unfortunately we have no choice where we are to change ISP. Sorry rant over:up:


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
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Do you know what your supposed to have, 4mb download is an insult. Look for the BT ombudsman and let them know what your doing.
My friend had this problem and he just kick up about it, an engineer came round and fiddled in one of those green boxes on the road. His download jumped massively.

I was with BT many years go and dumped them for virgin. I know not everyone get Virgin. BT really take the p*** out of customers. They take the money quick enough.
Now i'm ranting, sorry.


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
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my new drill jig clamped down.View attachment 31620

My shirt, well i have had it for a long time so didn't cut the sleeves off as i feel the cold these days, i will roll the sleeves in future :winking:

When I used one of these vice I screwed it to a piece of plywood and and clamped that to the table, gave me more room to use the vice.
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