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Last week I asked a question today I learned the answer....


Graduate Member
Jul 2, 2017
North East England - Tyne & Wear
First Name
Hi last week as a newbie I asked a question about simple but effective finishing of pens....

I was thrilled to get some answers and even an invite to see and learn from a forum member who it "turns" out lives not far away and is even is a member of the Wear Valley club I have just joined...

Bill Mooney.... He said come over and I will show show some ways you can finish pens...

We had a great day today (well I did) I don't think I totally killed him off with all my questions.... I turned some blanks in advance two wood and one acrylic...and took them over and he told me how to finish them...he did not do it ....he told me and let me do them step by step...

It's funny I think he said he started turning in 1959... I did too but that was at 19.59pm on the 18th May 2017 when the lathe arrived!!!

So I have a bit of catch up,I think...:chuckle:

I am thrilled with the results and I will put them together and publish the photos next week...

What a great forum.. what great people.. while poping over to someone's else's workshop might not be possible in all cases the willingness to share and constructively comment on each other's work is really helpful and interesting.. no-one ever knows it all but someone somewhere knows something you don't...

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Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
Kevin I thoroughly enjoyed my day. You were a great pupil who wants to learn & I enjoyed your company. You did an excellent job of finishing those blanks. I taught you two of my finishing methods & Phil's melamine finishing process which you managed very well.:thumbs:
A great day for both of us & of course I received payment of a lovely bottle of red kindly donated by Kevin.
Thank you kind sir.:ciggrin:


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
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It is great to get together with other like minded people and even better to share knowledge. Well done Bill and Kevin

Gregory Hardy

Graduate Member
Jul 7, 2017
Upper New York State
First Name
I also am new to the forum, and I have learned more in a few weeks than I can measure. Thanks to all of you veteran makers - you are making a difference beyond your own shops.
(And, Kevin - it would be a bit of a trip for you, but I'll show you something new for a bottle of red. In fact - for a bottle of Laphroaig, you can just move in and work in my shop full time!)
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