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Graduate Member
May 18, 2018
Nr Blandford Forum. Dorset. UK
First Name
Decided to make a spice rack today but not for spices :thinks:


Its NOT done yet as the banding is only fitted until the acrylic sheet arrives.

But its fitted to the wall now and I don't have to rummage through the cupboard for colours anymore :banana::banana::banana::banana:



Graduate Member
May 18, 2018
Nr Blandford Forum. Dorset. UK
First Name
Just keeping myself occupied - had some left over ply (a bit thick for this really but you use what you have :thinks: )

The strapping I had left over from many years ago, I found in a box that hadn't been unpacked (amazing how many of those we still have :rolling: )
So it cost me £12 for a sheet of clear Acrylic to get rid of the strapping - I will post a photo once I have fitted it :thumbs:

That is every colour and glitter that Mr.Resin has available, I have had some very weired and wonderful requests for colours and as you only use a very small amount of each, I am sure these will last me a very long time :whistling:
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