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Open house


Graduate Member
May 10, 2013
First Name
Hope you all have a good day and there is not too much bloodshed. Was going to come but a badly torn calf muscle has put paid to my travelling ability not walking or driving very far. Looking forward to the comments and banter.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Looking forward to tomorrow Gents although I might get hung drawn and quartered!!!!!! LOL:oldman::oldman::oldman:

Already mentioned that you should be in bed now Terry, it is going to be a busy day for you ... :whistling:


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
Well every one has left Violet and I are completely shattered but what a fantastic day we have had we have met some wonderful friends we have had a bloody good laugh it was good to met every one and every body contributed to the success of the day and not just the turners but all of there good ladies as well one of the guys made his first bowls and to a very good standard for a first round bowl in a square another guy finished a bowl of for the first time I'm not going to mention there names as it is for them to mention and enjoy there accolade so can I please say from an old man thank you all for making our day so very special you are a great bunch and will always be welcome in our home that is you guys and your much more beautiful wives they brightened the day we will never forget this day
God bless you all from Violet n Woody


Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
What a great day, thanks to everyone for making it so enjoyable.:bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo:

Many thanks to Violet for the food & drinks ably assisted by the wives present :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

It was really good to put faces to usernames, thanks to Terry for the chuck, woody for the blanks & Jim for the lift up to Turners Retreat.

I can`t imagine a nicer way to wile away a day, even the sun shone what more could you want :banana::banana:


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
Woody and Vi we have just got home after enjoying a wonderful day!!!! Thank you very much for being such wonderful hosts.
We met up this morning and most of us had never met one another but you would never have thought that and we all joined in and I can honestly say that you could never meet a more amiable bunch of lads and lasses!!!!!
The time we had at Turners Retreat was more about talking than spending and I was shell shocked when uncle Jim walked out without spending anything as he spent so much time rabbiting!!!!!
Once again many thanks to our hosts and to everyone who came to make it such a memorable day!!!:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
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