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Fountain Pens on Planes


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Interesting thread , thanks for all the info.
Write while the plane is already stable in the air if you want to write on board without any issues. As you take off, don't write.
It is important to always ensure that the ink in your fountain pen is fully filled. This will ensure that there is no space for the ink in the reservoir to swell.
@molly09 , I'm sure that Peter (Buckeye) has tried a few things since posting the original thread 10 years and one month ago. But nice to see people researching the old threads..
@howsitwork? not a problem as there are loads of threads going back over 10 years so its always worth searching the forum first before you ask any questions. But failing that ask away.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Well, given that this thread has found some new life, having found that its national insurance contributions aren't quite enough to qualify for a full state pension, I wonder if completely filling the converter is the best method. I was always told to leave a good amnount of air in there, to give the ink somewhere to go when it expands at altitude.:thinks: