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  1. angelo49


    These pics should be the right size.
  2. angelo49

    More kitless

    Stainless Steel fountain and rollerball convertable Acrylic
  3. angelo49

    Some Kitless Pens

    Aluminum kitless Brass
  4. J

    Tooling for "kitless" pens

    Hi Everyone, After being asked for a pen that couldn't be "made" using a kit, I have decided to take the plunge and start educating myself, through YouTube and practical exercises, in creating one or more examples of the "kitless" pen. I am the sort of person who does research and read, but has...
  5. 21William

    Cigar Pen

    Can these be made from a pen kit or are they a kitless design, anyone know? Also if anyone has a link to a tutorial for something like this and some uk available timber suggestions I'd appreciate it.
  6. G

    Kitless Rollerball

    Hey, folks - Another question. Has anyone used ebonite for the nose cone on a rollerball kitless pen? I am trying to avoid introducing anymore metal than possible. Just curious if anyone has done it and if it held up. Any suggestions for alternate non-metal materials other than ebonite? Let...
  7. G

    Help with Kitless?

    Hello, all (but especially those of you who work in a kitless format). I am anxious to learn some basic techniques to add rings to kitless turned pens. I have ideas about possibilities...but I am too old and tired tonight to reinvent any wheels! Any of you who have skills you might be willing...
  8. B

    Another Kitless

    2nd kitless pen, this time in Wenge with white mother of pearl acylic. This was a challenge as the wall thickness on the cap is very thin.
  9. sammy


    Please excuse my ignorance, but after being on here for a few months I'm clueless about the term kitless. What does it mean? :thinks: George
  10. BradG

    Aluminium kitless fountain pen

    The fruits of today's labour. a kitless aluminium fountain pen, featuring a JoWo nib. I also made a few Calligraphy dip pens, though as I'm making 10 of those il hold off from posting them until they're all done and post them all together
  11. B

    Kitless Questions

    Firstly let me apologise in advance if this has been asked a thousand times before, but I've reached the point where I think I need to take the plunge and try kitless. Ive been successfully selling my pens to collectors for the past few months and Im starting to get asked for fully bespoke pens...
  12. Bucks

    Extra Long Mould for Kitless Pen Turners

    In collaboration with Phil from Beaufort Ink, we've produced this extra long double pen blank mould in addition cure silicone specifically with kitless penturners in mind.
  13. BradG

    kitless Aluminium skull & bones fountain pen

    Today's craft brings a kitless aluminium fountain pen with anodised skull & bones from head to toe. Featuring a JoWo Medium nib
  14. Penpal

    For The Ended Comp Ideas to pursue

    For a Competition last year I used the magnetic cap system that is worth considering when making kitless. Lots of extra steps not needed to make this. Peter.
  15. silver

    Simple Kitless

    Is there sucha thing? Yes there is. To follow on the last kitless request and wanting to know how to make one. This is a pen done today of a "simple kitless" yes, basically all it is is a piece of acrylic, drilled out and tapped, then turned down and threaded. Turned using a pin chuck made...
  16. silver

    Ebonite Kitless

    Ebonite Mottled Blue kitless pen. Polished finish. (Kitless ~ meaning no parts were used from any kits.Oh!! and not a bit of CA or other type of glue used in any part of making this pen.) Blank ~ Mottled blue Ebonite Nib housing ~ Aluminium (hand made, not sourced) Nib housing to body thread...
  17. stiofanpadraigcrafts

    Any and all advice welcome

    Hi guys i need a bit of help here. im in the process in buying a new lathe ( currently use a proxxon db250 ) so i can make better pens and move onto kitless pens. My current lathe doesnt allow me to use many of the accessories needed so i decided to upgrade. lathe aside ive been looking at...
  18. P

    Beaufort clips, a revew

    Hi all! I have been searching nice clips for quite a long time. Once in a pen show in Paris where a lot of fountain pen addicts were awaited, I made a bundle of my nicest kitless models with the clips I had, all made of an embossed sheet of metal. I heard thrice the same comment : "Nice pens...